Category Theory and algebraic abstractions for Clojure.
The main motivations for writing this library are:
The existing libraries do not have support for ClojureScript.
We do not intend to write a little Haskell inside Clojure. We have adopted a practical and Clojure like pragmatic approach, always with correctness in mind.
We do not like viral/copyleft like licenses and in contrast to other libraries cats is licensed under the BSD (2 clauses) license.
We do not intend to only implement monads. Other category theory and algebraic abstractions are also first class in cats.
The simplest way to use cats in a Clojure project is by including it as a dependency in your project.clj:
[funcool/cats "2.2.0"]
And it works with the following platforms: jdk7, jdk8, node (4.2.0, 5.10.1 and 6.2.0).
User Guide
This section introduces almost all the category theory and algebraic abstractions that the cats library supports.
We will use Maybe for the example snippets, because it has support for all the abstractions and is very easy to understand. You can read more about it in the next section of this documentation.
A semigroup is an algebraic structure with an associative binary operation
). Most of the builtin collections form a semigroup because their
associative binary operation is analogous to Clojure’s into
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.builtin])
(m/mappend [1 2 3] [4 5 6])
;; => [1 2 3 4 5 6]
Given that the values it contains form a Semigroup, we can mappend
Maybe values.
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.builtin])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mappend (maybe/just [1 2 3])
(maybe/just [4 5 6]))
;; => #<Just [1 2 3 4 5 6]>
A Monoid is a Semigroup with an identity element (mempty
). For the collection
types the mempty
function is analogous to Clojure’s empty
Given that the values it contains form a Semigroup, we can mappend
Maybe, with Nothing being the identity element.
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.builtin])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mappend (maybe/just [1 2 3])
(maybe/just [4 5 6])
;; => #<Just [1 2 3 4 5 6]>
Let’s dive into the functor. The Functor represents some sort of "computational context", and the abstraction consists of one unique function: fmap.
(fmap [f fv])
The higher-order function fmap takes a plain function as the first parameter and a value wrapped in a functor context as the second parameter. It extracts the inner value, applies the function to it and returns the result wrapped in same type as the second parameter.
But what is the functor context? It sounds more complex than it is. A Functor
wrapper is any type that acts as "Box" and implements the Context
and Functor
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(maybe/just 2)
;; => #<Just 2>
The just
function is a constructor of the Just type that is part of the
Maybe monad.
Let’s see one example of using fmap over a just instance:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/fmap inc (maybe/just 1))
;; => #<Just 2>
The Maybe type also has another constructor: nothing
. It represents the
absence of a value. It is a safe substitute for nil
and may represent failure.
Let’s see what happens if we perform the same operation as the previous example over a nothing instance:
(m/fmap inc (nothing))
;; => #<Nothing>
Oh, awesome, instead of raising a NullPointerException
, it just returns
nothing. Another advantage of using the functor abstraction, is that it
always returns a result of the same type as its second argument.
Let’s see an example of applying fmap over a Clojure vector:
(require '[cats.builtin])
(m/fmap inc [1 2 3])
;; => [2 3 4]
The main difference compared to the previous example with Clojure’s map function, is that map returns lazy seqs no matter what collection we pass to it:
(type (map inc [1 2 3]))
;; => clojure.lang.LazySeq (cljs.core/LazySeq in ClojureScript)
But why can we pass vectors to the fmap
function? Because some Clojure container
types like vectors, lists and sets, also implement the functor abstraction. See
the section on built-in types for more information.
Let’s continue with applicative functors. The Applicative Functor represents some sort of "computational context" like a plain Functor, but with the ability to execute a function wrapped in the same context.
The Applicative Functor abstraction consists of two functions: fapply and pure.
(fapply [af av])
the pure function will be explained later. |
The use case for Applicative Functors is roughly the same as for plain Functors: safe evaluation of some computation in a context.
Let’s see an example to better understand the differences between functor and applicative functor:
Imagine you have some factory function that, depending on the language, returns a greeter function, and you only support a few languages.
(defn make-greeter
[^String lang]
(condp = lang
"es" (fn [name] (str "Hola " name))
"en" (fn [name] (str "Hello " name))
Now, before using the resulting greeter you should always defensively check if the returned greeter is a valid function or a nil value.
Let’s convert this factory to use the Maybe type:
(defn make-greeter
[^String lang]
(condp = lang
"es" (just (fn [name] (str "Hola " name)))
"en" (just (fn [name] (str "Hello " name)))
As you can see, this version of the factory differs only slightly from the original implementation. And this tiny change gives you a new superpower: you can apply the returned greeter to any value without a defensive nil check:
(fapply (make-greeter "es") (just "Alex"))
;; => #<Just "Hola Alex">
(fapply (make-greeter "en") (just "Alex"))
;; => #<Just "Hello Alex">
(fapply (make-greeter "it") (just "Alex"))
;; => #<Nothing>
Moreover, the applicative functor comes with the pure function, which allows you to put some value in side-effect-free context of the current type.
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(pure maybe/maybe-monad 5)
;; => #<Just 5>
If you do not understand the purpose of the pure function, the next sections should clarify its purpose.
The Foldable is a generic abstraction for data structures that can be folded. It
consists mainly on two functions: foldl
and foldr
. foldl
is also known as
or inject
in other mainstream programming languages.
Both function have an identical signature and differ in how they traverse the
data structure. Let’s look at a little example using foldl
(foldl (fn [acc v] (+ acc v)) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => 15
You can observe that foldl
is identical to the clojure reduce
(reduce (fn [acc v] (+ acc v)) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => 15
And the same operation can be done using foldr
(foldr (fn [v wc] (+ v wc)) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => 15
The main difference between foldl
and reduce
is that foldl
has a fixed
arity so all parameters are mandatory and foldl
is a generic abstraction that
can work with other types apart from collections.
As we said previously, the foldl
and foldr
differ mainly on how they traverse
the data structure. Then, for understanding better how they work internally,
let’s see a graphical representation of the foldl
execution model:
In contrast to the foldr
internal execution model that looks like that:
In languages with strict argument evaluation, foldr
does not have many
applications because when the data structure to fold grows it tends to consume
all the stack (causing the well known stack overflow). In case of Clojure,
the unique obvious case of using foldr is for small datastructures.
(m/foldr #(cons (inc %1) %2) '() (range 100000))
;; => StackOverflowError
The Foldable abstraction is already implemented for Clojure vectors, lazy seqs and ranges plus the cats maybe, either and validation types. Let see an example how it behaves with maybe:
(m/foldl #(m/return (+ %1 %2)) 1 (maybe/just 1))
;; => #<Just 2>
(m/foldl #(m/return (+ %1 %2)) 1 (maybe/nothing))
;; => 1
It there also other fold functions that are implemented in terms of the basic
or foldr
that can be foldm and foldmap. At this moment, cats comes
only with foldm.
The foldm function in analgous to the foldl
in terms of how it does the
fold operation, with the difference that is aware of the monad context. Or in
other terms, it works with reducing function that return monad types.
Let see an example:
(defn m-div
[x y]
(if (zero? y)
(maybe/just (/ x y))))
(m/foldm m-div 1 [1 2 3])
;; => #<Just 1/6>
(m/foldm m-div 1 [1 0 3])
;; => #<Nothing>
The Traversable is a generic abstraction for data structures that can be traversed from left to right, running an Applicative action for each element. Traversables must also be Functors and Foldables.
Note that, since Traversables use the Applicative’s pure
operation, the context
of the applicative must be set when using the traverse
Let’s look at an example: we have a vector with numbers that we want to map to a Maybe value, and we want to aggregate the result in a Maybe. If any of the actions fails (is Nothing) the resulting aggregate will be Nothing, but if all succeed we preserve the vector’s structure inside a Just value.
First of all, we define the function that will transform a number to a Maybe. Our function will wrap the value in a Just if it’s even and in a Nothing if it’s not:
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(defn just-if-even
(if (even? n)
(maybe/just n)
Now that we have a function that maps a value to the Maybe Applicative, we can
traverse a vector of numbers and aggregate a Maybe value. The applicatives will
be evaluated from left to right using the applicative’s fapply
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.context :as ctx])
(ctx/with-context maybe/context
(m/traverse just-if-even []))
;; => #<Just []>
(ctx/with-context maybe/context
(m/traverse just-if-even [2 4]))
;; => #<Just [2 4]>
(ctx/with-context maybe/context
(m/traverse just-if-even [1 2]))
;; => #<Nothing>
(ctx/with-context maybe/context
(m/traverse just-if-even [2 3]))
;; => #<Nothing>
Monads are the most discussed programming concept to come from category theory. Like functors and applicatives, monads deal with data in contexts.
Additionally, monads can also transform contexts by unwrapping data, applying functions to it and putting new values in a completely different context.
The monad abstraction consists of two functions: bind and return
(bind [mv f])
As you can see, bind works much like a Functor but with inverted arguments. The main difference is that in a monad, the function is responsible for wrapping a returned value in a context.
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [v] (maybe/just (inc v))))
;; => #<Just 2>
One of the key features of the bind function is that any computation executed
within the context of bind (monad) knows the context type implicitly. With this,
if you apply some computation over some monadic value and you want to return
the result in the same container context but don’t know what that container is,
you can use return
or pure
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [v]
(m/return (inc v))))
;; => #<Just 2>
The return
or pure
functions, when called with one argument, try to use
the dynamic scope context value that’s set internally by the bind
Therefore, you can’t use them with one argument outside of a bind
We now can compose any number of computations using monad bind functions. But observe what happens when the number of computations increases:
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [a]
(m/bind (maybe/just (inc a))
(fn [b]
(m/return (* b 2))))))
This can quickly lead to callback hell. To solve this, cats comes with a powerful macro: mlet
(m/mlet [a (maybe/just 1)
b (maybe/just (inc a))]
(m/return (* b 2)))
Some monads also have the notion of an identity element analogous to that of
Monoid. When calling bind
on a identity element for a monad, the same value is
returned. This means that whenever we encounter the identity element in a monadic
composition it will short-circuit.
For the already familiar Maybe type the identity element is Nothing:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mzero maybe/maybe-monad)
;; => #<Nothing>
Having an identity element we can make a monadic composition short-circuit using a predicate:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [a]
(m/bind (if (= a 2)
(m/return nil)
(fn [_]
(m/return (* a 2))))))
;; => #<Nothing>
As you can see in the above example the predicate (= a 2)
returns either a
monadic value (m/return nil)
or the identity value for the maybe monad. This
can be captured in a function, which is available in cats.core
(defn guard
(if b
(return nil)
The above example could be rewritten as:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [a]
(m/bind (m/guard (= a 2))
(fn [_]
(m/return (* a 2))))))
;; => #<Nothing>
Or, using mlet:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mlet [a (maybe/just 1)
:when (= a 2)]
(m/return (* a 2)))
;; => #<Nothing>
MonadPlus is a complementary abstraction for Monads that support an associative binary operation, analogous to that of a Semigroup. If the monad implements the MonadZero and MonadPlus protocols it forms a monoid.
For the Maybe type, mplus
acts similarly to a logical OR that treats Nothing
values as falsey.
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mplus (maybe/nothing))
;; => #<Nothing>
(m/mplus (maybe/nothing) (maybe/just 1))
;; => #<Just 1>
(m/mplus (maybe/just 1) (maybe/just 2))
;; => #<Just 1>
This section will take a tour over the types exposed in cats library and explain how they can be used in the previously explained abstractions.
This is one of the two most used monad types (also known as Optional in other programming languages).
The Maybe monad represents encapsulation of an optional value; e.g. it is used as the return type of functions which may or may not return a meaningful value when they are applied. It consists of either an empty constructor (called None or Nothing), or a constructor encapsulating the original data type A (e.g. Just A or Some A).
cats, implements two types:
that represents a value in a context. -
that represents the abscense of value.
and Nothing
types:(maybe/just 1)
;; => #<Just 1>
;; => #<Nothing>
There are other useful functions for working with maybe monad types in the same namespace. See the API documentation for a full list of them. But here we will explain a little relevant subset of them.
We mentioned above that fmap extracts the value from a functor context. You will also want to extract values wrapped by just and you can do that with from-maybe.
As we said previously, the Just or Nothing instances act like wrappers and
in some circumstances you will want extract the plain value from them. cats offers
the from-maybe
function for that.
(maybe/from-maybe (maybe/just 1))
;; => 1
(maybe/from-maybe (maybe/nothing))
;; => nil
(maybe/from-maybe (maybe/nothing) 42)
;; => 42
The from-maybe
function is a specialized version of a more generic one:
. The generic version is a polymorphic function and will
also work with different types of different monads.
For interoperability with Clojure and ClojureScript’s IDeref
maybe values are derrefable.
(deref (maybe/just 1))
;; => 1
(deref (maybe/nothing))
;; => nil
Either is another type that represents a result of a computation, but (in contrast with maybe) it can return some data with a failed computation result.
In cats it has two constructors:
(left v)
: represents a failure. -
(right v)
: represents a successful result.
(require '[cats.monad.either :refer :all])
(right :valid-value)
;; => #<Right [:valid-value :right]>
(left "Error message")
;; => #<Either [Error message :left]>
Either is also (like Maybe) a Functor, Applicative Functor and Monad. |
Like Maybe, Either values can be dereferenced returning the value they contain.
Also known as the Try monad, as popularized by Scala.
It represents a computation that may either result in an exception or return a successfully computed value. Is very similar to the Either monad, but is semantically different.
It consists of two types: Success and Failure. The Success type is a simple wrapper, like Right of the Either monad. But the Failure type is slightly different from Left, because it always wraps an instance of Throwable (or any value in cljs since you can throw arbitrary values in the JavaScript host).
The most common use case of this monad is to wrap third party libraries that use standard Exception based error handling. Under normal circumstances, however, you should use Either instead.
It is an analogue of the try-catch block: it replaces try-catch’s stack-based error handling with heap-based error handling. Instead of having an exception thrown and having to deal with it immediately in the same thread, it disconnects the error handling and recovery.
(require '[cats.monad.exception :as exc])
(exc/try-on 1)
;; => #<Success [1]>
(exc/try-on (+ 1 nil))
;; => #<Failure [#<NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException>]>
cats comes with other syntactic sugar macros: try-or-else
that returns a
default value if a computation fails, and try-or-recover
that lets you handle
the return value when executing a function with the exception as first parameter.
macro.(exc/try-or-else (+ 1 nil) 2)
;; => #<Success [2]>
macro.(exc/try-or-recover (+ 1 nil)
(fn [e]
(instance? NullPointerException e) 0
:else 100)))
;; => #<Success [0]>
The types defined for the Exception monad (Success and Failure) also implement the Clojure IDeref interface, which allows library development using monadic composition without forcing a user of that library to use or understand monads.
That is because when you dereference the failure instance, it will reraise the enclosed exception.
(def f (exc/try-on (+ 1 nil)))
;; => NullPointerException clojure.lang.Numbers.ops (
Built in types
Some of the abstractions in cats are implemented for built-in types but you
can’t use them directly. First, you must load the cats.builtin
(require '[cats.builtin])
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/fmap inc [1 2 3 4])
;; => [2 3 4 5]
Given the fact that nil
is both a value and a type, we have extended the nil
type to be equivalent to Maybe monad’s Nothing
. This means that you can use
as if were a Just
instance like in the following example:
(use 'cats.builtin)
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mlet [x (maybe/just 42)
y nil]
(m/return (+ x y)))
;; => nil
As you can see, the mlet
short-circuits when encountering a nil
Clojure vectors also participate in several of the abstractions implemented
in cats, most notably as a monad. Compare the following for
(for [x [1 2]
y [3 4 5]]
(+ x y))
;; => (4 5 6 5 6 7)
with the equivalent using mlet:
(use 'cats.builtin)
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/mlet [x [1 2]
y [3 4 5]]
(m/return (+ x y)))
;; => [4 5 6 5 6 7]
Note the symmetry between for
and mlet
. This is not accidental, both are
what is called a monad comprehension, the difference is that for
is limited to
sequences and mlet
can work with arbitrary monads.
Also, since mlet
desugars into calls to the Monad’s bind
function, its result
keeps the type of the monadic values.
Lazy sequences
Lazy sequences implement the same abstractions as vectors with practically an identical implementation. If you don’t need the results right away or are interested in a subset of the final results, you can use lazy sequence comprehensions.
Using mlet
with lazy sequences yields exactly the same result as using for
(use 'cats.builtin)
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/mlet [x (lazy-seq [1 2])
y (lazy-seq [3 4 5])]
(m/return (+ x y)))
;; => (4 5 6 5 6 7)
Sets implement almost every abstraction in cats, from Semigroup to Monad.
(use 'cats.builtin)
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/pure set-context 42)
;; => #{42}
(m/fmap inc #{1 2 3 4})
;; => #{4 3 2 5}
(m/bind #{1 2 3}
(fn [v] #{v (inc v)}))
;; => #{1 4 3 2}
Maps implement the Semigroup protocol, since we can use merge
as their
associative binary operation. Using mappend
on maps is a way to merge them
(use 'cats.builtin)
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/mappend {:a "A"} {:b "B"})
;; => {:a "A", :b "B"}
Since we can consider the empty map an identity element for the mappend
associative binary operation maps also implement Monoid and the mempty
function gives an empty map.
Syntax sugar
Additionally to the abstractions and types, cats exposes some powerful syntax abstractions that surelly will make the usage of that abstractions in a more familiar way.
The mlet
syntactic abstraction intends to facilitate the composition
of monadic operations.
If you’ve followed along with the documentation you’ve seen many examples
of its usage already, let’s see what can mlet
do. First of all, mlet turns
this let-like bindings:
(m/mlet [a (maybe/just 1)
b (maybe/just (inc a))]
(m/return (* a b)))
into a chain of calls to bind:
(m/bind (maybe/just 1)
(fn [a]
(m/bind (maybe/just (inc a))
(fn [b]
(m/return (* a b))))))
That makes a lot more natural to write code that uses monads and gives a very
familiar let
like syntax abstraction that makes the clojure code that uses
monads less "strange".
If you are coming from Haskell, mlet is mostly analogous to the do notation.
Since the bindings in the mlet macro run the monadic effects of the right-hand
values we cannot just put any value in there and expect to be bound to its
left symbol. For cases where we want the regular behavior of let we can inline
a :let
clause, just like with Clojure’s for
(m/mlet [a (maybe/just 1)
b (maybe/just (inc a))
:let [z (+ a b)]]
(m/return (* z 2)))
has support for using guards using a :when
clause, analogous to the
one used in for
. We can filter out values using bind
with mlet
like the following:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
(m/mlet [a (maybe/just 1)
:when (= a 2)]
(m/return (* a 2)))
;; => #<Nothing>
Any monadic type that implements MonadZero
can be combined with guards
inside mlet
bindings. Here is an example with vectors:
(require '[cats.builtin]
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(m/mlet [a [1 2 3 4]
:when (odd? a)]
(m/return (* a 2)))
;; => [2 6]
One limitation of monadic bind is that all the steps are strictly sequential and happen one at a time. This piece of code illustrates the usage of monadic bind:
(require '[cats.core :refer [bind return]])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :refer [just]])
(bind (just 1)
(fn [a]
(bind (just 41)
(fn [b]
(return (+ a b))))))
;; => #<Just 42>
In the first call to bind
, (just 1)
and the anonymous function will be
evaluated. The call of the anonymous function performed by the first bind
will cause the evaluation of the (just 41)
and the next anonymous function,
which will be also called to create the final result. Note that (just 1)
and (just 41)
are independent and thus could be evaluated at the same time.
Here is the mlet
version for reference and clarity:
(mlet [a (just 1)
b (just 41)]
(return (+ a b)))
;; => #<Just 42>
Now let’s see the equivalent using alet
(require '[cats.core :refer [alet]])
(alet [a (just 1)
b (just 41)]
(+ a b))
;; => #<Just 42>
Note that no return
is used, this is because the alet
body runs inside
the applicative context with fapply
. This is roughly what alet
desugars to:
(fapply (fn [a]
(fn [b]
(+ a b))))
(just 1)
(just 41))
;; => #<Just 42>
Note that now (just 1)
and (just 41)
are evaluated at the same time. This
use of fapply
can be called "applicative bind" and in some cases is more
efficient than monadic bind. Furthermore, the alet
macro splits the bindings
into batches that have dependencies only in previous values and evaluates all
applicative values in the batch at the same time.
This makes no difference at all for Maybe, but applicatives that have latency in their calculations (for example promises that do an async computation) get a pretty good evaluation strategy, which can minimize overall latency. In the next examples we use the promesa clj/cljs library for emulate asynchronous behavior:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.labs.promise])
(require '[promesa.core :as p])
(defn sleep-promise
"A simple function that emulates an
asynchronous operation."
(p/promise (fn [resolve reject]
(Thread/sleep wait)
(resolve wait)))))
;; note: deref-ing for blocking the current thread
;; waiting for the promise being delivered
@(m/mlet [x (sleep-promise 42)
y (sleep-promise 41)]
(m/return (+ x y))))
;; "Elapsed time: 84.328182 msecs"
;; => 83
@(m/alet [x (sleep-promise 42)
y (sleep-promise 41)]
(+ x y)))
;; "Elapsed time: 44.246427 msecs"
;; => 83
Another example for illustrating dependencies between batches:
@(m/mlet [x (sleep-promise 42)
y (sleep-promise 41)
z (sleep-promise (inc x))
a (sleep-promise (inc y))]
(m/return (+ z a))))
;; "Elapsed time: 194.253182 msecs"
;; => 85
@(m/alet [x (sleep-promise 42)
y (sleep-promise 41)
z (sleep-promise (inc x))
a (sleep-promise (inc y))]
(+ z a)))
;; "Elapsed time: 86.20699 msecs"
;; => 85
Higher-order functions
The first combinator that cats provides is a curry
macro. Given a function,
it can convert it to a curried versions of itself. The generated function will
accept parameters until all the expected parameters are given.
Let’s see some examples of a curried function in action:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(defn add [a b c]
(+ a b c))
(def curried-add (m/curry add))
(= curried-add (curried-add))
;; => true
(= (curried-add 1 2 3) 6)
;; => true
(= ((curried-add 1) 2 3) 6)
;; => true
(= ((curried-add 1 2) 3) 6)
;; => true
As you can see above, since the original add
has a single arity (3) and is
fixed (i.e. it doesn’t accept a variable number of arguments), the curry
was able to generate a curried function with the correct number of parameters.
This doesn’t mean that functions with multiple arities or variadic arguments can’t be curried but an arity for the curried function must be given:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(def curried+ (m/curry 3 +))
(= curried+ (curried+))
;; => true
(= (curried+ 1 2 3) 6)
;; => true
(= ((curried+ 1) 2 3) 6)
;; => true
(= ((curried+ 1 2) 3) 6)
;; => true
Curried functions are very useful in combination with the applicative’s
operation, since we can curry a function and use applicatives for
building up results with context-specific effects.
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :refer [just nothing]])
(def curried+ (m/curry 3 +))
(m/fapply (just curried+) (just 1) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
(m/fapply (just curried+) (just 1) (just 2) (nothing))
;; => #<Nothing>
(m/fapply (just curried+) (just 1) nil (just 3))
;; => nil
(m/fapply (m/fmap curried+ (just 1)) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
(m/<*> (m/<$> curried+ (just 1)) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
The lift-m
macro is a combinator for promoting functions that work on
regular values to work on monadic values instead. It uses the monad’s bind
operation under the hood and, like curry
, can be used without specifying arity
if the function we are lifting has a fixed and a single arity:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :refer [just nothing]])
(defn add [a b c]
(+ a b c))
(def add-m (m/lift-m add))
(add-m (just 1) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
(add-m (just 1) (nothing) (just 3))
; => #<Nothing>
(add-m (just 1) nil (just 3))
;; => nil
Like with curry
, we must provide an arity in case we are lifting a function
that has multiple arities or is variadic:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :refer [just nothing]])
(def add-m (m/lift-m 3 +))
(add-m (just 1) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
(add-m (just 1) (nothing) (just 3))
; => #<Nothing>
(add-m (just 1) nil (just 3))
;; => nil
Note that you can combine both curry
and lift-m
to get curried functions
that work on monadic types using the curry-lift-m
macro. The arity is
mandatory when using this macro:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.monad.maybe :refer [just nothing]])
(def curried-add-m (m/curry-lift-m 3 +))
(curried-add-m (just 1) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
((curried-add-m (just 1)) (just 2) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
((curried-add-m (just 1) (just 2)) (just 3))
;; => #<Just 6>
This section intends to explain different kind of extra features that can be found under cats.labs namespace. The fact that they are here because they are experimental, requires external dependencies or simply does not have much application in clojure(script).
In any case the state of each module will be notified on the start of the each section.
Status: Experimental
The cats.labs.test
namespace implements monad and applicative instances for
generators, which lets you use the cats.core/alet
and cats.core/mlet
for writing generators:
(require '[cats.core :as m])
(require '[cats.labs.test])
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])
(def color
(m/alet [r gen/int
g gen/int
b gen/int]
[r g b]))
(gen/sample color 1)
;; => ([0 0 0])
(def mcolor
(m/mlet [r gen/int
g gen/int
b gen/int]
(m/return [r g b])))
(gen/sample mcolor 1)
;; => ([0 0 0])
Apart from that, the namespace contains multiple functions for generating test.check properties that verify the laws of Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadZero and MonadPlus.
The implementation of cats' abstractions are tested using generative testing and
the cats.labs.test
property generation functions.
Status: Experimental
This namespace exposes the ability to use the core.async channel as monadic
type and in consequence use it in mlet
or alet
Before use it, you should add core.async to your dependencies:
[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.385"]
Now, let see some code. This will allow you understand how it can be used and why this integration between cats and core.async matters. At first step we will go to define a function that emulates whatever asynchronous task, that for our case it’s consist in a just sleep operation:
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(require '[])
(defn async-call
"A function that emulates some asynchronous call."
(println "---> sending request" n)
(a/<! (a/timeout n))
(println "<--- receiving request" n)
Now, instead of using the go
macro, just use a let
like bindings with the
help of the mlet macro for bind values to asyncrhonous calls:
(<!! (m/mlet [x (async-call 200)
y (async-call 100)]
(m/return (+ x y)))))
;; ---> sending request 200
;; <--- receiving request 200
;; ---> sending request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; "Elapsed time: 302.236804 msecs"
;; => 300
Here we can observe few things:
The asynchronous calls are made serially.
We are calling a function that return a channel and bind its value to a symbol.
At the end, an operation is performed with the
bindings. -
macro also returns a channel.
The main difference with the default clojure let
, is that the bindings
are already plain values (not channels). The take! operation is already
performed automatically by the mlet
. This kind of behavior will make you
fully asynchronous code looks like synchronous code.
But, cats also comes with alet
that has identical aspect to the previously
used mlet
macro, but it has some advantages over it. Let see an example:
(a/<!! (m/alet [x (async-call 100)
y (async-call 100)]
(+ x y)))))
;; ---> sending request 100
;; ---> sending request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; "Elapsed time: 101.06644 msecs"
;; => 200
And here we can observe few things:
The asynchronous calls are made in parallel.
The total time of processing is half less of if we use
. -
function is not used becausealet
evaluates the body in the context of the applicative.
The alet is a powerful macro that analyzes the dependencies between bindings and executes the expressions in batches resultin in a very atractive feature for asynchronous calls.
Here an other examples that shows in a clearly way how the batches are executed:
(a/<!! (m/alet [x (async-call 120)
y (async-call 130)
z (async-call (- x 100))
u (async-call (- y 100))
t (async-call (inc u))]
;; ---> sending request 130
;; ---> sending request 120
;; <--- receiving request 120
;; <--- receiving request 130
;; ---> sending request 20
;; ---> sending request 30
;; <--- receiving request 20
;; <--- receiving request 30
;; ---> sending request 31
;; <--- receiving request 31
;; "Elapsed time: 194.536235 msecs"
;; => 20
Manifold Deferred
Status: Experimental
This namespace exposes the ability to use the manifold deferred as monadic
type and in consequence use it in mlet
or alet
Before use it, you should add manifold to your dependencies:
[manifold "0.1.1"]
Now, let see some code. This will allow you understand how it can be used and why this integration between cats and manifold matters. At first step we will go to define a function that emulates whatever asynchronous task, that for our case it’s consist in a just sleep operation:
For demostration purposes, let’s define a function that emulates the asyncrhonous call:
(require '[cats.labs.manifold :as mf]
'[manifold.deferred :as d])
(defn async-call
"A function that emulates some asynchronous call."
(println "---> sending request" n)
(Thread/sleep n)
(println "<--- receiving request" n)
Now, the manifold deferreds can participate in the monad/applicative abstractions
using mlet
and alet
@(m/mlet [x (async-call 200)
y (async-call 100)]
(m/return (+ x y)))))
;; ---> sending request 200
;; <--- receiving request 200
;; ---> sending request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; "Elapsed time: 302.236804 msecs"
;; => 200
If you are familiar with manifold’s let-flow
macro, the cats alet
for almost identical purpose, with difference that alet
is defined as
generic abstraction instread of a specific purpose macro.
@(m/alet [x (async-call 100)
y (async-call 100)]
(+ x y)))))
;; ---> sending request 100
;; ---> sending request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; <--- receiving request 100
;; "Elapsed time: 101.06644 msecs"
;; => 200
Complementary libraries
Promise monad:
Concurrent data fetching:
Pattern matching for the Cats' types:
What Clojure types implement some of the Category Theory abstractions?
In contrast to other similar libraries in Clojure, cats doesn’t intend to extend Clojure types that don’t act like containers. For example, Clojure keywords are values but can not be containers so they should not extend any of the previously explained protocols.
Name | Implemented protocols |
sequence |
Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadZero, MonadPlus, Foldable |
vector |
Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadZero, MonadPlus, Foldable |
hash-set |
Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadZero, MonadPlus |
hash-map |
Semigroup, Monoid |
function |
Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad |
Developers Guide
Five most important rules:
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Readability counts.
All contributions to cats should keep these important rules in mind.
Unlike Clojure and other Clojure contributed libraries, cats does not have many restrictions for contributions. Just open an issue or pull request.
Editor integration
For making Emacs' clojure-mode treat alet
, mlet
et al like a let
and indent
them correctly, you can use define-clojure-indent
like in the following example:
(require 'clojure-mode)
(alet 'defun)
(mlet 'defun))
Source Code
cats is open source and can be found on github.
You can clone the public repository with this command:
git clone
Run tests
For running tests just execute this for clojure:
lein test
And this for clojurescript:
node ./out/tests.js
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Andrey Antukh <>
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Alejandro Gómez <>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.