- Working with Promises
- Scheduling & Executors
- Channels (CSP pattern)
- Bulkhead (concurrency limiter)
- Contributing
Public variables and functions:
- ->
- ->>
- all
- any
- as->
- await
- await!
- bind
- cancel!
- cancelled?
- catch
- chain
- chain'
- create
- deferred
- deferred?
- delay
- do
- do!
- do*
- done?
- doseq
- extract
- finally
- fmap
- fnly
- future
- handle
- hcat
- hmap
- let
- let*
- loop
- map
- mapcat
- mcat
- merr
- pending?
- plet
- promise
- promise?
- promisify
- race
- recur
- recur?
- reject!
- rejected
- rejected?
- resolve!
- resolved
- resolved?
- run!
- then
- then'
- thread
- thread-call
- timeout
- vthread
- vthread-call
- wait-all
- wait-all!
- wait-all*
- with-redefs
- wrap
Executors & Schedulers facilities.
Public variables and functions:
- *default-executor*
- *default-scheduler*
- cached-executor
- compile-if-virtual
- compile-when-virtual
- configure-default-executor!
- current-thread
- current-thread-executor
- default-current-thread-executor
- default-executor
- default-scheduler
- exec!
- executor?
- fixed-executor
- fn->thread
- forkjoin-executor
- forkjoin-thread-factory
- get-available-processors
- get-name
- get-thread-id
- interrupt!
- interrupted?
- pmap
- run!
- schedule!
- scheduled-executor
- set-name!
- shutdown!
- shutdown-now!
- shutdown?
- single-executor
- sleep
- submit!
- thread
- thread-call
- thread-factory
- thread-factory?
- thread-id
- thread?
- throw-uncaught!
- virtual-threads-available?
- vthread-supported?
- with-dispatch
- with-dispatch!
- with-executor
- work-stealing-executor
Bulkhead pattern: limiter of concurrent executions.
A core.async analogous implementation of channels that uses promises instead of callbacks for all operations and are intended to be used as-is (using blocking operations) in go-blocks backed by virtual threads.
Public variables and functions:
Concurrency limiter: Semaphore
A generic promise abstraction and related protocols.
Public variables and functions: