Hash algorithms (digest)

All hash algorithms are located in the buddy.core.hash namespace.

Available hash algorithms:

Hash algorithm name Digest size
SHA1 160
SHA2 256, 384, 512
SHA3 256, 384, 512
MD5 128
Tiger 192
BLAKE2b 128, 256, 512
BLAKE3 256, arbitrary size
Skein 256, 512, 1024, arbitrary size
Whirlpool 512
RIPEMD128 128
RIPEMD160 160
RIPEMD256 256
RIPEMD320 320

Basic usage

Import namespace example:

(require '[buddy.core.hash :as hash])
(require '[buddy.core.codecs :refer :all])

Usage examples:

(hash/sha256 "foo bar")
;; -> #<byte[] [B@162a657e>

(-> (hash/sha256 "foo bar")
;; -> "fbc1a9f858ea9e177916964bd88c3d37b91a1e84412765e29950777f265c4b75"

Advanced usage

Hash functions are implemented using protocols and can be extended to other types. The default implementations come with support for file-like objects (File, URL, URI* and InputStream).

Make hash of file example:

;; Additional import for easy open files
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])

(-> (hash/sha256 (io/input-stream "/tmp/some-file"))
;; -> "bba878639499c8449f69efbfc699413eebfaf41d4b7a7faa560bfaf7e93a43dd"

You can extend it for your own types using the buddy.core.hash/IDigest protocol:

(defprotocol Digest
  (-digest [data engine]))

NOTE: Functions like sha256 are aliases for the more generic function digest.