Reading PEM formatted keys
Before explaining digital signatures, you need to read public/private keypairs and convert them to usable objects. Buddy has limited support for reading:
- RSA keypair
- ECDSA keypair
RSA Keypair
An RSA keypair is obviously used for RSA encryption/decryption, but it is also used for making digital signatures with RSA-derived algorithms.
Read keys:
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
;; The last parameter is optional and is only mandatory
;; if a private key is encrypted.
(def privkey (keys/private-key "test/_files/privkey.3des.rsa.pem" "secret")
(def pubkey (keys/public-key "test/_files/pubkey.3des.rsa.pem"))
Generate a RSA Keypair using openssl:
# Generate AES-256 encrypted private key
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out privkey.pem 2048
# Generate public key from previously created private key.
openssl rsa -pubout -in privkey.pem -out pubkey.pem
ECDSA Keypair
Like RSA keypairs, ECDSA is also used for making digital signatures and can be read like in the RSA examples.
Read keys:
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
;; The last parameter is optional and is only mandatory
;; if a private key is encrypted.
(def privkey (keys/private-key "test/_files/privkey.ecdsa.pem" "secret")
(def pubkey (keys/public-key "test/_files/pubkey.ecdsa.pem"))
Generate a ECDSA Keypair using openssl:
# Generate a params file
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -out ecparams.pem
# Generate a private key from params file
openssl ecparam -in ecparams.pem -genkey -noout -out ecprivkey.pem
# Generate a public key from private key
openssl ec -in ecprivkey.pem -pubout -out ecpubkey.pem
Json Web Key (JWK)
A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data structure that represents a cryptographic key of different types.
buddy-core provides functions for reading and saving JCA keys in JWK format
Currently supported JWK key types are
- RSA key pairs (No RSA-CRT support yet)
- OKP key pairs (Ed25519)
- EC key pairs (P-256, P-384, P-521 curves)
Example of JWS signing for Ed25519 keys:
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
(def edkey {:kty "OKP",
:crv "Ed25519",
:d "nWGxne_9WmC6hEr0kuwsxERJxWl7MmkZcDusAxyuf2A",
:x "11qYAYKxCrfVS_7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo"})
(def privkey (keys/jwk->private-key edkey))
You can also convert from PEM to JWK like this:
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
(def prv (keys/private-key "private.pem"))
(def pub (keys/public-key "public.pem"))
;; JWK requires both public and private keys for export
(def jwk (keys/jwk prv pub))
(def jwk-pub (keys/public-key->jwk pub))
Also, you can generate and save keys in JWK format like this
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
(import '
(import '
(defn generate-keypair-ed25519
(let [kg (KeyPairGenerator/getInstance "EdDSA" "EdDSA")]
(.initialize kg
;; JDK8 only, use getInstance on JDK7 (make sure it's true random source)
(.genKeyPair kg)))
(let [pair (generate-keypair-ed25519)]
(keys/jwk (.getPrivate pair) (.getPublic pair)))
;; =>
;; {:kty "OKP",
;; :crv "Ed25519",
;; :d "5q3yhCdSDMj9Za9jJE0vhfExlTV8JeSe6XnfblAFkPY",
;; :x "JbbhB16SaghHiGHx3FutVMfVTgu9-SCtZGfZyoDZSbQ"}
You can also calculate JWK thumbprint using jwk-thumbprint
(require '[buddy.core.keys :as keys])
(require '[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs])
(def edkey {:kty "OKP",
:crv "Ed25519",
:d "nWGxne_9WmC6hEr0kuwsxERJxWl7MmkZcDusAxyuf2A",
:x "11qYAYKxCrfVS_7TyWQHOg7hcvPapiMlrwIaaPcHURo"})
(-> (keys/jwk-thumbprint edkey)
;; => "90facafea9b1556698540f70c0117a22ea37bd5cf3ed3c47093c1707282b4b89"