Padding schemes are often used for fill the empty bytes of byte array of data to an concrete blocksize.
This is a table of currently supported padding schemes:
Algorithm name | Keywords |
Zero Byte | :zerobyte |
PKCS7 | :pkcs7 |
TBC | :tbc |
Let see an example on how to use it:
(require '[buddy.core.padding :as padding])
(require '[buddy.core.bytes :as bytes])
(def data (byte-array 10))
;; Fill the array with byte value 10
(bytes/fill! data 10)
;; Add padding to the byte array with offset value: 7
;; This is a side effect and it will mutate the data
;; byte array.
(vec (padding/pad! data 7 :pkcs7))
;; =>[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3]
;; Also it has the side effect free version of it, that
;; returns a new byte array.
(vec (padding/pad data 7 :pkcs7))
;; =>[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3]
;; Show the size of applied padding
(padding/count data :pkcs7)
;; => 3
;; Remove the padding
(vec (padding/unpad data 7 :pkcs7))
;; =>[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0]
The default padding scheme is :pkcs7
and that parameter can be ommited.